H&M clothing cut up and thrown (via NYTimes)
So im sure if you're in the Twitter world you've heard about H&M's big upset...if not..now you know. The unsellable merchandise is sliced up and put in a trash bag out in front for pick up.....WHAAAAAAAT!!!! Seriously...ummm do you not see the needy walkin by the store front everyday! Even the wanty walkin in the store everyday...ha. As George Straight says, "just give it away." If you need some help doin that hit up @Brandt_Russo to get'r done. Who's that you ask? That's the guy makin it happen for those who cant. Me and Brandt went to bible college together...and lets say...were not exactly certain pastors cups of tea...but we're mos def the guys makin sure the tea gets served. More than can say for others....Anyway, he lived on the streets for about a year, including Skidrow, helpin out the homeless...living on their level to show some love and elevate. Clothing them, feeding them, dumpster diving for dinner, whatever it took to bring out what God put in him. He started a tshirt company named "Cant Ignore The Poor" which benefits helping those in need. (getcha some) And recently he ran did Operation Starvation. A movement to fight hunger and deworm 1,000,000 children. His goal was to raise 15,500 to provide the medicine to do so. He literally starved himself till this was accomplished. 9 days it took, it took 1 man 9 days to help 1,000,000 children. Mind blowing. Even backed by celebrities such as Demi Lovato, Lindsay Lohan, Flobots, and others. So now tell me if 1 man can do all of this, how much can a coporation like H&M do for the world. No hate..just elevate. Lets take it up a level corporate america...use as an example to do so. If H&M can learn from their mistake, be a wiser company and learn from theirs. I still digg H&M. And Brandt, keep doin what you do. Love you J-dorm brother. Till next time..One love..and keep lookin up.
Get your shirt today! (via CantIgnoreThePoor)
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